Table of contents:
You need Python 3.5.2 or newer installed on your system.
Furthermore, you need the Python package manager pip installed.
Install Command-line Framework
Install with pip:
$ pip install rxncon
If you experience any installation issues (e.g.Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1), try downgrading your pip installation:
$ python -m pip install pip==9.0.1
Or clone from our GitHub .
Note to Windows users:
As compiling the Python library "PyEDA" under Windows is known to cause problems, we chose to use a precompiled version. This version is downloaded from the Humboldt University server. If you prefer to install it yourself, follow this link before installing rxncon via pip.
Test Installation
In order to test your installation of the rxncon framework, open a terminal. If you have installed rxncon under a virtual environment, start it. Type:
$ which
If this returns a filepath, rxncon was successfully installed.
Install rxncon with grafical interface and project management:
$ pip install rxncon_workbench
For compability purposes, the GUI runs in your webbrowser. You can start it from the command line by calling the "" script.
If you are not sure where it got installed, type "which" to find the path and start the script. Remember to use Python 3.5.
Here are some example calls:
Using virtual environments (recommended, any OS): /PATH/TO/ACTIVATED/VENV/bin/
Using anaconda (Windows): python C:\USERS\USERNAME\Anaconda3\Scripts\ (for Mac OS change path to anaconda accordingly)
Global install: python C:\USERS\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32/Scripts/
This should open your default browser and start the GUI. It may happen, that multiple tabs open up, when running the script. If so, those can be closed. If you accidentally close the browser window or tab, type localhost:8000 into the url field.